Body Acceptance Teen Group (ages 14-16)

For teens struggling with self-confidence and body acceptance.

Are you a teen (ages 14-16) who struggles with self-confidence? Do you ever want to wear certain clothing styles but stop yourself because you don’t like the way you look in them? Do you find yourself comparing your body to others and feel pressured to look a certain way? In our Body Acceptance group, we will:

  • deconstruct diet culture

  • learn about body neutrality and body positivity

  • develop skills to combat negative self-talk and bad body image days

  • prioritize lived experience of fatphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia

  • increase self-compassion and understanding of emotions about body weight/shape/size

At the end of our time together, you will feel more self-confident, better equipped to cope with bad body image days, and empowered to continue on in your journey towards body acceptance.

Led by Kylie Kirkwood, ACSW

The next cycle of this group will start in early 2024. Fill out the form below to join the waitlist!
If you’re interested in this group, but unavailable at that date and time, please fill out the form below and include that in your message.